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Disclaimer The content on this site, including news, quotes, data and other information, is provided by users for your personal information only, and is not intended for trading purposes. Content on this site is not appropriate for the purposes of making a decision to carry out a transaction or take any legal Action. Nor does it provide any form of advice (Personal, legal) amounting in defame someone else. Neither family-harmony nor its third party content providers shall be liable for any errors, inaccuracies or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. FAMILY-HARMONY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY OF ANY CONTENT PROVIDED, THIS IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSE ONLY. Although family-harmony makes reasonable efforts to obtain reliable content from third parties, family-harmony does not guarantee the accuracy of or endorse the views or opinions given by any third party content provider. This site may point to other Internet sites that may be of interest to you, however family-harmony does not endorse or take responsibility for the content on such other sites. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information hosted on this website is accurate, family-harmonyand forum supporters do not hold themselves liable for any consequences, legal or otherwise, arising out of use of any such information related to or contained on this site. Family-harmony disclaims all liabilities brought by anyone (not part of family-harmony management) on the ground or on the internet due to any reason/s mentioning our organization. We take no responsibility for accuracy of information provided. Please use the information provided at your own risk. Advice provided by the members is purely their own experience and ideas (on family-harmony, forum and blogs) and does not replace any legal advice a seasoned lawyer can provide. Family-harmony do not claim any CopyRight on any Articles. |